
Abhi always makes a lot of mistakes in his life because of his mischievous attitude and Priya Abhi’s Gf has always forgiven him for all this. She always says that one day she will leave if things keep on repeating like this but being careless to his lady; Abhi never thought that Priya would ever leave him. He keeps on repeating mistakes again and again till the time come when he found that Priya was completely gone out of his life.
          The romantic story “MY LOVE NEVER FAKED…” is about love between Abhi, a last year physiotherapy student and Priya, MBA student. Both loves each other but somehow in the story Ellen, a beautiful American lady, comes between them, with whom Abhi got interested and got confused.
 He went on with Ellen, date her and get physical with her being drunk and somehow he got caught. But there was no exchange of sperm between the two as Abhi realize it that he’s committed and being in relation he respect Priya and her love.
                                                        Abhi tries to reconcile the matter and try to make her understand that he’s still innocent from his part and all he was going through was a little confusion about his status in his love life.